How to use the workbook functions.
- How do I show and hide the keypad and native keyboard?
- How do I create and edit a note?
- How do I create and edit a line in the Workbook?
- How do I use the index tool (e.g. negative numbers, fractions, exponents, borrow and carry, decimal points)?
- How do I highlight and italicize characters?
- How do I add pages to my Workbook?
- How do I share and rename a file from a Workbook?
- Carrying and Borrowing (Legacy)
- Importing External Images and Assignments (Legacy)
- Adding Notes (Legacy)
- Moving Equations Around the Workbook (Legacy)
- Multi-Selecting and Dragging to Move Equations (Legacy)
- Using the Line Tool (Legacy)
- Saving Workbooks to Dropbox (Legacy)
- Rearranging or Deleting Pages in a Workbook (Legacy)